Publish Date - May 23rd, 2022
|Last Modified - March 7th, 2023
Now a days, in the times of content creation and digital marketing, it is a regular occurrence to steal someone’s data and publish it as your own. This is the concept of plagiarism, and it’s been around for many years, even before the invention of computers.
Checking plagiarism manually is very time-consuming, exhausting, and practically impossible to do. There’s Google has indexed billions of webpages and is continual doing so. With that in mind, one of the major things Google does is looks for content that is plagiarized.
While it may be impossible for one person (or a team) to check if their content or third party content is plagiarized, there are now tools and applications that can really assist writers with this problem. With the evolution of machine learning and AI, plagiarism checkers have evolved to the point where they really can assist writers in verifying their content.
What does a plagiarism checker application do?
A plagiarism checker does what it sounds like it does – it checks plagiarism. It will scan millions of webpages to see whether or not there is overlap in paragraphs, sentences and even tone.
Several applications and tools are available for the users who want to check plagiarism.
There are two types of plagiarism checkers available to the public:
- Mobile app plagiarism checkers
- Desktop plagiarism checkers.
The majority use mobile phone apps to check plagiarism. These users are students, teachers, content writers, lawyers and article writers, etc.
Tools and apps made this whole exhausting process a very smooth process. By using a good application and tool, you’ll be able to plagiarism check your content in minutes.
Through these apps, you can create unique and good-quality content of your own.
Why is a Plagiarism Check good for SEO?
For Search engine optimization, using plagiarism checkers is a a regular strategy, especially when you have a 3rd party writing content. Ultimately, you’re looking to reduce the chance that there’s duplicate content being posted on a website you own or operate.
The Google algorithm is quite intelligent, and is able to understand whether you’re posting that new article as copied content, or original content. Since Google has access to billions of web pages, it’s easy for them to compare your content vs. everything else that’s out there.
If you have duplicate content, you’ll see issues with the actual indexing of your web page. In Google search console your web page may have two statuses associated with it.
- Crawled – but not indexed
- Discovered – but not indexed.
If you have either see either of these two crawl statuses, you could have a plagiarism issue with your article. In content marketing, content is extremely important. However, it’s not advantageous for a user to read content that may be duplicated from another source, especially if it’s not cited. It’s important to have someone on your team that can look out for these technical SEO / content issues, thankfully – I know how to handle these situations :).
For my personal blog and articles I write – I don’t normally use plagiarism checkers. I find myself regularly having to use these tools due to guest bloggers.
My process for guest bloggers is as follows:
- Agree upon the backlink, topic and strategy and method of handover of the content (Dropbox, Google drive, Google docs, Microsoft Live)
- Agree on a time / date that I will receive the content
- Receive the content on an appropriate date
- Plagiarism Check – to ensure that the content is plagiarism-free. Sometimes, when agreeing upon the topic, I’ve had guest bloggers provide links to Copyscape or plagiarism detectors upon delivering the blog to me.
- Grammar check – Here’s where I look for grammatical areas and issues (proofreading)
- Reformatting of layout and additions to content for uniqueness
- Publish article
As you can see, plagiarism check plays a crucial role in my content strategy for guest blogging.
The top five upcoming best plagiarism checker tools are:
1. Prepostseo plagiarism checker – the best online plagiarism checker

Let’s discuss the very first plagiarism checker which is the Prepostseo checker
- It is very simple and easy to use. It’s fast, free and adaptable plagiarism checker app.
- It also shows the sources from where the data is copied, to match the reference.
- It offers full results with references or sources and it has multi-language option.
- Moreover, it is a 100% safe app to use and your data is secure on this app.
- It provides a detailed breakdown of what’s plagiarized or unique.
- It allows you to check the grammar of the data as well.
- It can check any email, article, report.
Everyone can use this app easily because it can check a huge amount of data.
How to use this app:
- Copy-paste the data into the input field, a file, or if it is in a picture form.
- It can be in any file format (docx, pdf, png)
- Click on the check button for the final results.
It’ll give you a percentage breakdown of how much is plagarized versus unique.
* For Visitors, the word limit is 1000 words.
* For Basic Users, the word limit is 1500 words.
* For Basic Premium Users, it is 5000 words.
* For Standard Premium Users, it is 15000 words.
* For Company Premium Users, it is 25000 words
Check out this Plagiarism checker now.
For android users, it is one of the best and easiest plagiarism checking tools.
A very important point is – your data is safe and secure on this tool. It is one of the selling factors of this tool. It can examine your data in almost 90 languages.
- SD cards can also be used to install it, which made this more convenient
- Moreover, it is free and allows you to check your grammar and spelling as well.
- All formats are supported.
- This tool also analyzes the casing of words.
- It also has an option of Google voice which is very convenient.
- You can scan up to 25,000 words in one audit.
- Most importantly, it checks the plagiarism with all the data available on google.
- You can upload multiple file types.
- You can do your deep search and there will be no ads to waste your time. For android users, it is one of the best and easiest plagiarism checking tools.

3. PaperRater

PaperRater allows you to track the data from almost 140 countries. It is a multi-purpose plagiarism checker app, which is easy-to-use for teachers, students, content writers a like. The features on this app are similar to many products on this list:
Features :
– It gives a very fast report of the data.
– It gives accurate results in less than a minute.
– The team of this app is well-educated linguists and experts.
– If you want suggestions for your writing, they will give you some, as per your writing.
– They also help you to correct your grammar.
– They can check your spelling as well.
– There is no requirement for registration etc
– It is always free to use.
There are two options available i.e.
Basic and premium plan.
* This is a free version.
* You can enter data on up to 5 pages.
* It also looks over the Grammar and spellings.
* Writing suggestion tool is available.
* Automated scoring.
* It is has paid plan – 8$ per month and 96$ per year.
* It has a grammar and spelling checker, and a writing suggestions option.
* There are no ads.
* You can also upload the picture or any file as well.
* The processing is faster than basic.
4. ProWritingAid

Yet another basic but easy-to-use tool for detecting plagiarism. ProWritingAid has made the writing process much easier. You can check the plagiarism on the go.
Features :
- Along with checking plagiarism, it also detects grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes
- It checks the plagiarism from an MS word file by add-on process (so you need to install this add-on into MS word)
- There is an integration for almost every type of browser (Chrome, Edge, Safari)
- Prices are also very reasonable
5. Unicheck

Unicheck is a helpful software for writers. It checks plagiarism by comparing the similarities on the internet.
- A unique feature of Unicheck is that it eliminates the broken and irrelevant information with your article
- Plagiarism detection by this tool only takes a few seconds
- A comprehensive report is downloaded after a complete scan
Some more popular main stream plagiarism checkers
- Grammarly’s plagiarism checker – Comes in a paid version or a plugin for your browser.
- – A tool I used in university for academic papers and research papers. It allows you, or your professor, to submit a paper and will output a plagiarism report at the end.
- – Also has a free plagiarism software plan, which allows you to submit URLs / compare URLs which is a neat feature.
- Copyscape – Great free tool that’s awesome for a quick check on content and whether or not it’s unique.
Plagiarism checker tools are really important for students and ultimately anyone who writes. Many online web-based tools can check plagiarism for free. The goal of a plagiarism checker is to avoid duplicate content, copyright infringement and provide piece of mind to writers that their content is unique. As these plagiarism detection tools become more intelligent, writers will need to continual provide more comprehensive content which means plagiarism checkers are here to stay.
Frequently Asked Questions
When it comes to Free tools, I would suggest the following:
Grammarly as a grammar checker
Smallseotools for plagiarism checking
Answerthepublic (two free searches a day) for content ideas, for Readibility.
Google Keyword Planner for search volume
Google Trends for topics trending upwards
Google document for content writing
My favorite plagiarism checker is, but there are a variety of limitations. The free plan doesn’t allow for more than 1000 words of content.
LOL it is really hard for me to put smallseotools on my favourite list. I have tried SmallSEOTool as many writers suggest but according to me the level of accuracy of this tool is pathetic. Even I was scolded by my supervisor which is disappointing.
Later, I accidentally discovered the plagiarism checker pro of LittleSEOTools and compared it with quetext. The result was quite satisfying. As you know Quetext has limited search, so I use plagiarism checker pro of LittleSEOTools as an alternative. It is a free tool with unlimited searches but it has a drawback. You can only search 1k words at a time which is a pain 🙁 but I have unlimited searches 🙂.
The most important thing is my Professor is now satisfied with my writing.